Wesleyan Wednesday

This podcast started because of the college I was attending at the time. However, the college wasn't that accessible to me. I asked my past vocational rehabilitation counselor why this was so, and she said it was a private college. This is the same excuse she gave when I needed help financially with school in which she stated that VR doesn't pay for private colleges. They did pay for a very small part of the tuition. 

In my opinion, a school should be more open to accommodating its students considering that they will bw making money off of them. Unfortunately, the world and some schools do not share my point of view. Thus, Wesleyan Wednesday turned into Wes-when Wednesday. I ended up leaving the college after being laughed at, hit with doors, yelled at, and falling down the stairs. I sprung my ankle once while I was there. It wasn't funny then, and its not funny now.

I'm willing to bring back a segment for Wednesdays, and I've already got one in mind. I was thinking Women's Wednesday where I will talk about all things women. This can include health tips, grooming instruments, beauty, interests, and my personal experiences with womanhood overall. Don't worry! I'm not a crazy person who believes that men aren't important. 

You might be wondering where mens day is, but I'm going to have to disappoint you. I can't talk about men much factually since I don't know what goes on in their minds. For that reason, you'll have to listen to another podcast. I am thinking of bringing different men on the show to discuss their thoughts and opinions. Let me know what you think! 

So that's it for this post! Let me know if you have any ideas for the Wednesday segment or would like to be interviewed for the show. And speaking of letting me know....

Contact Me
Twitter @brittsamillion
Instagram @wolfegirl25
Podcasters Check out my podcast, Real Talk in the Life of Britt, on Spotify for Podcasters: https://anchor.fm/realtalkbritt
YouTube @wolfegirl24
Please check out the podcast Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089783995706&mibextid=ZbWKwL
I appreciate any positive and or constructive feedback I get. You can like, follow, share, subscribe, rate, review, etc. I'll see it either way. 

Thanks again,



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