Podcast Day 3: Wonder Tech Tuesday

I apologize for not putting this up yesterday. I had some urgent matters to attend to, but I'm back. 

Wonder Tech Tuesday is where I demonstrate various pieces of technology such as Braille displays for the Blind, magnifiers foe low vision patrons, and many more. Originally, I wanted to keep this strictly an assistive Tech segment. "*NOTE*: Assistive technology is Technology made specifically for a disabled person. 

If there are other things you think I should talk about, my contact info will be listed at the end of this post or on the podcast. My aim for this segment is to help others understand what I know about technology and to share some tips and tricks on using said technology. 

If you found this post interesting and want to learn more, tune in every other Tuesday starting from the last one (Aug 29th). I appreciate any feedback, constructive and positive please, that I get. 

Contact Me If Desired

Twitter(aka X)- @brittsamillion
YouTube- @wolfegirl24
Instagram- @wolfegirl25
Feel free to message me where available with any questions, comments, and concerns. 

Much love,



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